Monday, April 11, 2011

Fear of Global Warming

The Blog presses the issue of global warming and uses scare tactics and fear to raise concern of people. The blog starts to early on point out facts about Global warming. It mainly discuses the issue of what is happening to the planet, and what we are doing to help, but it uses what we are doing to harm the planet. It writes about CO2 and what we has people can do to prevent global warming. This uses fear in a subtle way to make people think they have to fix the problem instead of scaring them with the problem.


  1. #1
    The interface of the homepage is very interesting. The background is a solid white color. Not off-white but pure white. This could be resembling that we want our air to be pure and clean. We don't want our air to be smog filled and dirty. Also the white background could be resembling big, fluffy, white, and healthy clouds. The text is all in a sky blue color. This can be a symbol of our sky and the cleanliness and vibrance of the sky. There is a beautiful picture of a countryside with beautiful grass and sky. They put this picture on the home page to show how wonderful the environment is. Since the blog is about global warming all these implicit meanings suggest that global warming will destroy all the clean air, wonderful views and the sky. The blog creator is trying to show us what we will be losing. How does this color scheme effectively show what we will lose from global warming?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. question 1. The central opening theme on the home page is a picture of green hill side with a caption that reads; “ Save Our Earth - Fight Global Warming!” On the left hand side is a ad for wind turbine power systems which clearly ties into the theme of stopping global warming and saving the earth. However the main portion of the blog that draws attention is the navigational bar on the left side which is spilt down into 17 categories which range from global warming to politics & government to alternative fuel vehicles. The wide range of subject categories is clearly intended to instead of just providing quicker navigation, to show just how wide spread and broadly sweeping the issue of global warming is and how it is a part of everything on this planet. This page is site dedicated to the stoppage and hopeful reversal of global warming and is designed in a way to show how global warming affects the whole world thus making people more willing to help to try to save the world by ending global warming.

  4. #7
    This blog is not doing anything. This blog presents many basic facts about global warming, many of which are continuously presented to the public through many other orginizations. The information presented is boarderline to common knowledge for today's audience. An example being the article on the opening homepage which discusses five facts about global warming. The blog itself appears abandon, with the most recent post found occuring in September 2010 and most posts occurring in 2009. None of the post found have been commented on, which could show that the readers are not affected by the topics on the blog.

  5. #1 The interface of this blog is simple but has a very strong central theme. The main heading on the site is, “Stop Global Warming,” and the first picture that is seen by the readers is a picture of grassy hill with trees. All of the posts contain types of environmental awareness and the only advertisement in the blog promotes green energy. The categories on the left hand side mostly deal with environmental issues, but also include topics such as government and politics. The implicit meaning of the blog seems to be fighting global warming and bringing about awareness of potentially harmful things in our environment. While some of the posts seem to be basic knowledge, the blog is attempting to bring to light some potential global issues that some members of the general public are unaware of.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. 7. This blog does not use rhetoric in any effective way that I can see. This blog mostly focuses on the facts of what climate change and global warming are and what they have done to the earth and what they will do if we do not act now. I do not really see any words that can be perceived to persuade readers to do anything. I suppose the insinuations of what global warming can do to earth and ultimately to the human race are frightening, thus enabling people to act to change their current courses of action, but ultimately I believe the blog fails because it will not attract any new people because the information seems to be unoriginal and outdated compared with what most people hear on the daily evening news. In addition to what feels like a lack of rhetoric, all of the articles on the blog lack proper grammar which really damages the legitimacy of the entire blog. Most, if not all, of the articles have major grammatical mistakes that take away from the flow of the articles and make the blog seem unprofessional and cheap. This could be the reason that there are so few articles and even fewer comments, if any.

  8. 7. I think it would be hard to argue that this blog is doing anything. The author has a hard enough time formulating a grammatically correct English sentence (such as an article titled "The Earth's Heat, More and More") let alone influence anyone's opinion on global warming. The facts the blog does produce about global warming are very basic things that many average people would know, and would probably not influence anyone who already had an opinion about global warming. There is the rare article now and then that relates interesting and not-well known information, but they are generally about ways people who already believe in global warming can reduce it. The fact that there are no comments on any recent posts reinforces the point that this blog does not influence anyone.

  9. #5
    In the case of the article “Learn How You Can Make You Own Solar Power Right Now,” the writer directly references the audience in the beginning while asking if the reader wants to know how to reduce electricity bills. This reveals that the author is posting this article with the intention that the reader is a home owner who is probably paying too much for the electricity or the home owner that wants to save more on their electric bill or even just a “Build it yourself” homeowner. The author compares spending $1000 on a wind turbine system with being able to “make your own homemade solar system for a mere $200.” This shows that saving money is valued by the reader. Through my understanding, this article seems like a sales pitch to buy the Earth4Energy system since the author poses a problem at the start, and then gives his/ her solution to it. However, I feel it does go beyond just a sales pitch, because this system reduces the amount of energy used and therefore reducing the green house affect and preserving our environment.

  10. #7
    the blog has little or no effect on the reader. So I would say it does not actually do anything. It tries to use the fear of "death of the planet" and in turn ourselves to make us focus on the issue. But is it really making the readers think more and find information the haven't read or heard before. No. the blog talks about things most educated people in society know about. they either believe or don't believe in global warning. Its been an issue brought up man times in the past few ears. So personal opinions are made up mostly with little swaying here or there. As seen in this blog, people do believe in global warming and want to get the word out. But through my observations I feel it isn't doing anything.

  11. 7. People do not seem to really comment or blog on this particular website. There were a few comments back and forth about whether or not water could be used as a renewable source. Yet, they did say that it could be. It seems that the blog is making a small impact on how people feel about global warming. The blog has articles about simple ways of "going green," but it seems like people already have their decision set on whether they believe in it or not.

  12. The proposed website might as well not even be in existence. It appears as though no one cares enough to comment on any of the articles and is basically a "wikipedia" on global warming; stating unsupported facts about its topic. It also supports that this global warming phenomena, in which is much apart of Earth's history of climate change, would take place even without humans' "carbon footprint". So in that case it is useless to try and particularly stop an inevitable process. This page does not really use fear, but tries to inform the reader of the situation, and things that the reader could do to help slow the climate change down. It does this not very convincingly as well. Were you convinced?

  13. #7
    After browsing through this blog, I feel that it is very ineffective. I clicked on the "About" tab at the top of the homepage to see if I could find more information on the site but there was nothing there. It only said that you could edit the page yourself to put information about you or your own personal website. Even after reading some of the articles on the site, I feel as if the site as a whole is not purposeful. Most of the articles are attempting to be informative but there are so many ads on the site that the reader can't even focus on what is trying to be said in the article. I feel as if this website would have no effect on the reader's knowledge and as a whole would not persuade anyone to stop global warming.

  14. #5 The article I have selected is titled, “Why we should be concerned about global warming” by Sverre Philip. The reader directly interprets from this title the fact that the author firmly believes too many people don’t believe or have great concerns regarding the issue of global warming. Within the article, he repeats on several occasions the phrases “real” and “a real life scenario”, telling the audience that everyone needs to realize there is a current pressing issue with the gradual rising of global temperatures. The author then catches the audience’s attention and persuades them by stating the many dangers that may result from extreme global temperatures. The dangers promoting fear consist of: melting of the polar caps, covering of certain land regions by sea, stirring of unimaginable severe storms or natural disasters, evolving several new diseases, disturbing the ecological food chains, and destroying various species of crop life. What I find most interesting is that towards the end of the article, the author suddenly changes the mood. Instead of trying to prove the existence of global warming, he tells the reader that there is still time and many actions people can start today in order to save our world. The author suggests reducing the amount of carbon monoxide emissions and to stop wasting so much of earth’s resources to start making a difference for our world.

  15. #1
    While looking at the home page, the pretty sky blue color cathes your eyes and the picture showing the wonderfull nature and air that should not be destroyed. Underneath the picture it says "Fight Globabl Warming". It is implying that if we don't protect the enivironment then it will destroy the air. That is what is the fear in the environment. The article says its ways to prevent globabl warming to not completely scare the people, but really the meassage is saying how global warming is getting worse and worse and hurts the pollution and air that we breathe in.

  16. 7.
    After spending much time reading through the blog i could only say that it is a very informative blog but it desperately fails at attracting the attention of the reader to read through the blog. It attempts at being effective by displaying the different topics that different readers may be interested in but unfortunately the blog lacks the visual elements that would capture the readers attention, each blog topic is plainly listed with blue bolded headlines and the description is in black and white. Clicking on each of the topics brings you to another page loaded with information, indeed the bullet points makes absorbing the information easier but again, there is nothing but ads that gives a visual appeal. Summing everything up, if a reader was very into Global Warming then he/she will be filled with information and news about this topic, but the average reader would just leave the website, thus I would conclude that normally this blog would do nothing to effect anybody.

  17. 4.) How is ethos is working for “Stop Global Warming”? Is there any ethos at all? Browsing the home page, a tautology in the title of a post, “True Facts about Global Warming – 5 Facts, ” sparked my attention and I dove deeper into the article. Under further investigation, I found a slew of basic grammatical errors in the post. I was barely able to understand the information within the post. In addition, I could not find the name of an editor of any sort maintaining the site. Where can one locate ethos if there is not even an author to claim the work? Even the first sentence in the post was hardly readable: “Now on Global warming effect can be feeling in daily.” Furthermore, how can the blog expect to gather validity if there is no evidence of credible information? Thus the blog severely lacks legitimacy and I have a hard time trusting even the most basic information presented.

  18. #7
    In my opinion, this blog does nothing to invoke any type of response in its readers. This blog serves as mostly a "factual" site, but the facts presented are questionable. Throughout reading the articles, I noticed many grammatical and punctuational errors, and many of the words are jumbled which disrupts the flow of the article. With all of these factors combined, the overall blog produces an uneducated feel. Also, the fact that there are no comments on any article within the site indicates that the blog has no effect on its readers knowledge, values, ideas or emotions towards the subject. This is shocking considering that global warming is such a large issue. Therefore, I feel that this blog does nothing for its readers.

  19. #7
    I do not believe the posted blog actually affects the knowledge, values, or ideas of the reader. The article does not present its material in an ordered flow. The information and text is poorly structured and presented. The poor utilization of grammar and structure does not provide a professional atmosphere throughout the blog. The reader is provided with a general sense that the blog does not provide an expert's opinion. The lack of expertize would not persuade the reader. The incorrect grammar and lack of real world examples both need to be corrected before the blog would be able to influence the audience.

  20. #1

    The entire blog is white in color to relate it with the quality of environment and surrounding air. The quality level of our surrounding air should be as clean as the white color itself. Living in a better surrounding quality is what we should fight for. Basically, other than the white color, the blue color is another dominant featured color that can be found in the blog. I think, the blue color resembles the color of the blue sky. Its symbolizes a peaceful and blissful environment like the color of the blue sky. They long for such environment and that's why they use these two colors as the main color for the blog. The header of the blog uses a combination of black and white colors. It is one of the aposematic combinations which are often use to warn something! From my opinion, we can debate on how the use of these two colors is really an effective combination to tell and warn people that we should save the environment that we are living in?
